Dear colleagues, supporters and friends,
We would like to inform you that on behalf of all members of the Bulgarian section of the International Police Association – IPA – Bulgaria Section, the Board of Directors of the Association made a donation of 13,000 certified three-layer protective masks for personal protection, which were handed over and sent today. to all main and regional directorates of the Ministry of Interior, serving the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.
In these difficult and tense days, when the employees of the Ministry of Interior, the members of the International Police Association, the medics and all other officials and volunteers join the battle with the insidious and invisible enemy – the coronavirus COVID-19, our moral, ethical and humane It is our duty to support the heroes of the front line, who risk every day, sometimes on the edge of their efforts, to win in the name of the Bulgarian society and humanity in general.
“Servo per Amikeco” (“Service through friendship”) – a modest gift from the heart for the nameless legends with a shoulder strap!