The Articles of Association of IPA Bulgaria is the most significant document of the organization. It lives and thrives by the regulation postulated therein as well as by its spirit. The Articles of Association acknowledges the moral and ethical standards of the police officers, giving scope for the creative expression of their personality. As in most sections of the Association worldwide, the Articles of Association of IPA Bulgaria is based on the Articles of Association of the World Organization. The deeply humanistic ideas of the founder Arthur Troop serve as the guiding principle. The police officers from all over the world and in Bulgaria as well are people who regard order and discipline as a way of life. The clear and precise rules set out in the Articles of Association meet the professional essence and spirit of the police officer.
Nothing stays the same in the dynamically developing conditions of life. Thus IPA Bulgaria has envisaged the opportunity to make amendments in the Articles of Association when it becomes clear that some of the positions are in arrears with the realities of modern life. These amendments may be entered by the General Meeting at a quorum.
IPA Bulgaria is in the process of expansion – new regional sections are to be included. The Articles of Association is the principle basis for the strength and harmony in the life of the Association.